Well-being scholarship 2022 ウェルビーイング奨学金2022



ideaship supports students and other young professionals who seek to become an accredited professional to create built environment or workplaces that serve wellbeing of occupants. 



Number of recipients 定員

3 persons



Accreditation to be covered 対象資格

  • The WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) https://www.wellcertified.com/well-ap/
  • CASBEE ウェルネスオフィス評価員 https://www.ibec.or.jp/CASBEE/licence/wellness-office/


Support to be provided サポート内容

All the expenses for buying a bundle covering study materials and taking an exam are to be covered by ideaship. Advice on preparing for an exam is also provided. 

*If the recipient fails the exam, no additional expense is to be provided. 




Application deadline 応募期限

December 20, 2022 (Wed)



Target date for passing the exam 資格取得期限(目安)

End of December, 2023 



How to apply応募方法

Please post a message that includes your name, brief profile, and reason for application at Inquiry page of our website. 当社ウェブサイトの「お問い合わせ」ページから、ご氏名、簡潔なプロフィール、応募の理由を伝えるメッセージをお送りください。


Qualifications 応募条件

  • Students or those who are within 3 years after the last school education can apply. 学生の方または最終学歴後3年以内の方を対象とさせていただきます。
  • We would like each recipient to present an original proposal on built spaces or workplaces that serve well-being of occupants within 8 weeks after becoming accredited. There are no rules over the theme, format or volume for the proposal. The proposals will be discussed online with ideaship associates and other recipients. 資格取得後8週間以内をめどに、ウェルビーイングを生む建築空間や職場に関する独自の提案(テーマ、形式、ボリュームは自由)を発表していただきたいと思います。いただいた提案については、アイディアシップ社員や他の受給者と、オンラインでディスカッションする機会を設けます。


Date of notifying the result 結果ご通知日

December 23, 2022 (Fri)
